The inspiration of this blog comes down to this topic in particular; how to balance our ‘deen’ & ‘dunya’ / faith & life. Though I am writing this as a Muslim woman, people of any faith may gain some wisdom from it as the same applies to all. To get you started, I have come up with 3 ways to find that Faith & Life Balance.

The biggest problem I have observed is when faith and life are seen as two separate entities. For example, performing religious practices such as praying, only when at the local mosque or church; an occasional thing which is not part of the daily routine.
When you identify as a certain faith but your practices are limited only to certain times (at the religious center, during the fasting month or during mourning/celebration periods) we can easily become confused and off-balance. Our faith can begin to weaken as God is no longer at the core of it. This can lead to our hearts becoming deeply attached to worldly pleasures and desires.
‘The biggest problem I have observed is when faith and life are seen as two separate entities…’
If we think of our faith as a WAY of life, as part of our daily routine, we would live a much balanced life. Situations and circumstances change but the only constant that remains is God who is always there. On BalancedBayt, I will be sharing various tips, ideas and methods to help YOU to find that healthy balance between Faith & Life, in the hope to live a more God-Centered life, filled with blessings and barakah.
Here are 3 Simple Steps to Find that Faith & Life Balance:
1. Prayers
The first step to take is this. Do not neglect your daily prayers. Whatever your faith, taking time out in your day to pray to your creator, to thank Him for all that you are grateful for, is crucial in creating that connection and keeping you grounded. Make it a habit, just like you would with eating or sleeping.
O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient.
– QURAN 2:153
2. God’s Words
Incorporating God’s words (the Quran or Scripture) into your life somewhere in your day, maybe through reading and reflecting on some verses before you start your day or listening to it during your daily commute/ the school run. I personally use this App when I am on the go and find it very beneficial as it lays out the Quranic verses one by one with the translation below.
There are many benefits to reciting at least 10 verses a day. Not only will you gain familiarity with the Holy Book, the words of God have Shifaa (healing) in them to strengthen faith.
This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah
– QURAN 2:2
3. Self-Accounting
Every faith inevitably comes down to being a good person, in having humanity and care for the world. One thing that I recommend doing is practicing ‘Muhasaba’ – Self Accounting/Retrospection.
By sincerely looking deep within ourselves and analyzing our actions, we are slowly undoing any pretense. Every night before sleeping, ask yourself: ‘Did I hurt anyone today? Have I been just? Have I been patient?’
The more we make this a habit, the more mindful we will be of our actions and ultimately, help us in making our tomorrow better than yesterday.
O you who keep the faith, be conscious of God and observe your responsibility to him. And let every soul consider what it has prepared for tomorrow.
– Quran 59:18