Taking into consideration all that we have learned from this unprecedented year, we can make life-changing goals to live better lives as balanced and conscious Muslims.
Here are 10 New Year Resolutions ideas for Muslims that we can incorporate into our lives.

With the New Year upon us, it may not be as festive as previous years with Coronavirus still going strong. Since the year 2020, we have experienced a huge change in the world, but there were some blessings beneath all the calamities.
We were given the time to reflect on what is more important. What our lives mean to us and how quickly we can depart from this world. Looking back on this year, from the Holy Month of Ramadan spent at home, the Summer days without travel and the Festive Winter period spent in isolation, it seems difficult to understand what we went through.
‘…there has to be some growth and transformation to come out of this.’
Considering all that we have gone through this year, there has to be some growth and transformation to come out of this. We can make life-changing decisions on how to live a better life as balanced and conscious Muslims. One cannot go through such a raw experience and come out unchanged. We have had the precious gift of uninterrupted time and solitude. The time to pause and contemplate on our current state, our decisions and the opportunity to keep this going, even after this is over.

Now, more than ever, people are waking up and realizing the importance of leading a balanced life, filled with purpose. In order to do this, we need to purify our inner self and make space for God’s light to come in. If we refine our souls, only then we can become a reflection of God’s qualities and a true representative of Allah.
Change starts now. To get you started on this reformation process, here are 10 New Year Resolutions ideas for Muslims in 2022 that we can incorporate into our lives.
1. Elevate your prayers!
“Recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do.”
QURAN 29:45
When the 5 daily prayers are part of our everyday routine, it can sometimes become a monotonous and robotic task. For instance, by changing small things such as the usual Suras (Chapters) we read or the Duas (Supplications) we recite after prayer, it could make us more present and mindful of what we are saying during our prayers.
2. Write your will!
“To Allah (Almighty God) we belong, and to Him is our return.”
QURAN 2:156
This year in particular, taught us all how death can come at any time. If you haven’t already done so, it is really important to write your will (whatever your age). Make a few draft versions and then look into the steps required to make your will legit.

3. Start a Quran Journal!
Seek Knowledge from the Cradle to the Grave.
The holy prophet (saw)
Islam is all about education and seeking knowledge; what better way than to try to understand the words of God and connect with the Quran. To get you started, I have a more detailed post on How to Start Quran Journaling for beginners.

4. Meditate!
Meditation and Mindfulness are all the rave right now but that’s because it works in creating calm and awareness within.
The basis of Muraqabah (Mindfulness in Islam) is our knowledge that Allah is always watching us at all times and, as a consequence, we develop greater attention and care for our own actions, thoughts, feelings and inner states of being.
Meditation has always been part of Islam, the Prophet (saw) was known to meditate in his cave before receiving a revelation. Take out some time in the day, perhaps during your morning prayers or when you wake up to find the calm within yourself and speak your heart to God. Start your day by talking to Him first, making him the centre of your day. Perhaps create a meditation space that could encourage you to do this practice.
How about creating a space, within your home, that can inspire you to start this mindful practice more often? Check out my post on How to Create a Prayer / Meditation Space.

5. Practice Gratitude!
…If anyone desires a reward in this life, We shall give it to him; and if anyone desires a reward in the Hereafter, We shall give it to him. And swiftly shall We reward those that (serve us with) gratitude.
QURAN 3:145
Don’t just leave your daily prayers without taking out at least 2 to 5 minutes to ground yourself in Sujood (prostration) and reflect upon all the little things that you are thankful for such as good health, family, friends etc.
6. Read Read Read!
Read! in the Name of your Lord Who created.
QURAN 96:1
If you haven’t picked up the Quran in a while, set a goal to read at least 10 verses with translation each day. If you are feeling adventurous, how about picking up an Islamic book this year, perhaps a historical account on the life of the Prophet or an auto-biography such as Then I was Guided.
For fiction lovers, how about supporting Female Muslim Writers! Check out my post on 5 Must-Read Books by Muslim Women to discover some amazing, Muslimah authors that you can be adding to your #MuslimShelfSpace!

7. Give more charity!
To give charity publicly is good, but to give to the poor privately is better for you, and will absolve you of your sins. And Allah is All-Aware of what you do.
QURAN 2:271
Giving charity (zakat) is required by all Muslims. During Covid in particular, many places such as Yemen, Gaza, Iraq etc. have suffered economically. Find a charity that is close to your heart and set aside a goal of how much you want to give. You can even set up an automatic monthly contribution in January
8. Surround yourself with Positivity!
Take some time to think about the people you have in your life; are there any who are bringing you down or filling your life with negativity? Surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed, who make you laugh, who genuinely care. Try it out and see the difference it makes in your life!
9. Get Healthy!
If we all followed the Islamic etiquette for eating, we would all be healthy. Try making simple changes such as not eating to filled stomach or introduce fasting twice a week (Mon & Thurs) which is sunnah. You may find my post on How to Lose Weight through Islam and Sunnah beneficial, as it discusses living a balanced and Islamic lifestyle in order to get healthier.

10. Volunteer!
Helping others is another type of charity. Find ways in your local community or centre where you can give your time and energy – nothing is more valuable than giving your time to those who need it.
These were just a few ideas of New Year resolutions ideas for Muslims to get you started.
Did you write your resolutions yet? I would love to hear some in the comments below!

This list was very beneficial! Inshallah I will try to incorporate some to my own goals.
Jazakallah Khayr dear sister, thank you for your comment. Wishing you a blessed 2021!