When an individual wants to start doing something and is hesitating, we never say that it is too late. That is because IT IS NEVER TOO LATE. If someone has been neglecting their daily prayers and wants to start committing to them, the first thing we do is to encourage them. The Most Merciful always gives us the chance to repent and start all over again. To keep standing up no matter how many times we fall. This is the same for all the mandatory acts within Islam. However, I wonder why we feel differently towards Hijab? Why are we so afraid to put it back on once we have removed it? Or what about those who are contemplating to later in life but are hesitant to do so? Why is it that deciding to wear Hijab at any point in life is more difficult than praying or fasting? If you are a sister in this position, I want you to know that for Hijab – it is never too late.

Hijab – a Divine Obligation
The responsibility to wear the Hijab is a Divine command, just like the obligation towards prayer and fasting. It has been mentioned in the Qur’an and also found in Ahadith.
…and not display their beauty except what is apparent, and they should place their khumur over their bosoms…
QURAN – 24:31
So, if it is a fardh (mandatory act) why is there SO much objection to this command? Why isn’t this the case for other obligations in Islam?
Much of the controversies around Hijab are due to deeper issues. The rise of secularism brought the removal of God from society and therefore any open declaration of faith was an issue. Colonialism said women are not liberated unless freed from the hijab. Feminists saw the obligation of the hijab as an attack on women’s rights. All of these and other anti-hijab sentiments, have something in common – a lack of understanding of the Islamic worldview. Islam essentially views the human being as a soul brought onto the earth by a Creator who wishes perfection for it.

I suppose that one of the main reasons why wearing a Hijab may appear more difficult than other obligatory acts such as Salat, is that it is something physical and visible for everyone to see. Other acts can be performed in private, however, this is something which is publicly evident and therefore, can make us worry about how others will perceive us.
I’ve heard the concerns:
“What will they say if I decide to wear it at this age?”
“What will they say if I start wearing it again, after all this time? Will people take me seriously?”
“I’m X years old! I can’t wear the hijab now – it is too late!”
It is even more difficult when the judgement is coming from within the home. I have heard about many situations where the parents are reluctant for the daughter to wear a hijab. Whatever the reason, this hesitancy can sometimes damage the daughter’s confidence and completely prevent her from wearing it.
Another cause for struggling to wear the Hijab may be internal – a personal combat.
It may be that we are having a difficult time forgiving ourselves. When we make a mistake, we think that we are not worthy of trying again or deserving forgiveness. So – we end up carrying a bad decision or mistake with us forever.
Let me ask you something – who are we in front of Allah (swt)? Isn’t he the All-Mighty? The All-Forgiving? You know He is. So if HE can forgive you, why can’t you forgive yourself?
All it takes is to admit our fault, learn from it, repent sincerely and inshaAllah, He will forgive you. Allah loves our sincerity so don’t be too hard on yourself. Stop thinking that it is too late to wear the hijab. Focus on who you are now and the amazing decision that you are about to take. Have faith and leave the rest to Him.

A Life-Changing Decision
One can also wonder about how life will be different after wearing the Hijab. What will happen at school or work? Will I face challenges and difficulties? Will people still respect me? Is it too late to wear Hijab? I understand your feelings, especially those sisters living in the West. So, ask yourself again, who are you trying to please? Society, circumstances, or places? Or are we aiming for more, hoping to please our Creator?
Sisters who already observe the Hijab need to keep reminding themselves that our Hijab is NOT an obstacle to anything in life. It does not make our life harder but improves it in ways that we cannot see. Allah (swt) would not ask of something if there was not a deeper meaning behind it.
Social Media
Social media, especially Instagram, have been having a huge impact on so many people’s lives. The image given to others takes so much importance and it can drastically affect the confidence of many young girls. For example, when Muslim influencers remove their hijab, unfortunately, it becomes a trend that can affect our young sister’s decisions towards Hijab. This is the main reason why our social media consumption needs to be moderated and we should be selective in what we consume.
A great Instagram page to follow to motivate you further on your Hijab Journey is The Hijab Project. Their aim is to create content ‘to help Muslim women seek purpose, understanding & modesty without compromise.’
Sayyida Fatima (as) – A Role Model
It also comes back to the fact on who we declare and follow as our role models. With perfect examples within our faith such as Sayyida Khadija (AS) and Sayyida Fatima (AS), we need to aspire to be like them and stand strong in the face of challenges that the media is putting us through. If we say we love Sayyida Fatima (AS), we should remember that she observed the hijab, even in front of a blind man!
Imam Sajjad narrates, “Once a blind man sought permission from Fatima to enter her house, and when he entered, Fatima hid from his sight. The Prophet, who was present and a witness to this scene, said: ‘Fatima, why did you hide from him when he can’t see you?’ She replied, ‘O Prophet of God, although he cannot see me, I can see him and my scent will reach him.’ The Prophet praised her and said, ‘I bear witness that you are a part of me.’”
He knows what you are going through…
Remember that Allah (swt) sees everything that you are going through. But the most important thing is to remember that the Hijab is not worn for others but for Allah (swt), and for Him only. You do it out of love to worship and obey Him. Keep in mind that HE alone is the One to please and He is your true supporter. He has promised that if we take ONE step towards Him, He will take TEN steps towards us. Have faith in that and you will see the results. When we please Him, He helps us to overcome whatever obstacles we are facing.
Wearing the Hijab is never too late. You might just be away from unlocking a strength that you didn’t even know you have. Trust Him and trust yourself.
Remember, that Allah’s (swt) door is always open, welcoming us with love and mercy. Even if you had removed the hijab before and want to wear it again, He knows how sincere your intention is, even if the world is unable to comprehend that.

My sister, if you were thinking about wearing the hijab for a long time now, I hope this article helped you and made you realize that with Hijab, it is never too late!
If needs be, inform yourself about the subject, go deeper and ask the right people. We usually do something better when we understand the reasoning behind it. Nothing is forced upon us in Islam; it is all about our understanding, dedication, faith, and love.
Always remember, Allah (swt) loves you the most. If you take this step towards Him, He will guide you on this journey.
With this crown on your head, show the world how beautiful the Hijab is, how determined and confident it makes you, and how proud you are to be a representative and an ambassador of this beautiful faith.
Hijab is servitude to Allah (swt)… and who better to serve more than Him?
But Allah is the best guardian, and He is the most merciful of the merciful.
QURAN – 12:64
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